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About TBC Culture Hub

TBC Culture Hub is a space to inform, empower, and engage those interested in the power of cultural intelligence (CQ).

The blog focuses on global affairs, international relations, and Tiffany Byrd Cook's personal experiences through the lens of CQ. 

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TBC Culture Hub dives into the ten cultural values and the 4 CQ capabilities (CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Strategy, and CQ Action), learning how CQ impacts our perspectives. Notably, we look at world affairs, the role of culture in international relationships, and the effectiveness of diplomacy.

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We work to enhance one's confidence and CQ skills to ensure they are effective, engaging global citizens and leaders in multicultural environments. We are taking off on a professional development journey, growing our knowledge and understanding of cultures to optimize opportunities and relationships.

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We encourage audiences to share their  insights and engage in all topics relating to culture. This platform is for developing and nurturing meaningful relationships with audiences and clients. The goal is to establish an open dialogue where people feel safe to discuss cultural and global issues.



Tiffany Byrd Cook

International Ballerina turned Culture and Cultural Diplomacy Enthusiast, MBA & MLS in Cultural Mediation & Cross-cultural Communication, Coaching Leaders & Teams to Improve their Cultural Intelligence & Relationships


Tiffany's unique career path as an international ballet dancer had her working with numerous nationalities and traveling the world. While on this adventure, she discovered great joy in building relationships by learning about different cultures, overcoming language barriers, and seeking to understand distinct perspectives. She developed a passion for cultural diplomacy, protocol, and cross-cultural communication. Tiffany has seen and experienced first-hand how CQ enables successful mediation, allows one to overcome obstacles often presented by cultural misunderstandings, and creates synergetic, mutually beneficial relationships. These experiences have led her to embark on a journey to help others become more effective global citizens, coaching them to look at the world through the lens of CQ.

How  Can  I  Serve  You?

Cultural Intelligence Coaching

As a certified Cultural Intelligence Facilitator with the CQ Center, I am excited to offer customized 1-on-1 coaching and group workshops in-person and virtually.


Let's talk Cultural Intelligence! Learn how to leverage your cultural competencies to excel in this era of globalization.

"Unconscious Bias" Coaching

As a certified Unconscious Bias Facilitator with the CQ Center, I am excited to offer customized 1-on-1 coaching and group workshops in-person and virtually.


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© TBC Culture Hub 2023

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