Thanks to globalization, the ease of traveling across borders and working abroad has increased diversity in communities. Yet, despite the massive migrations of foreign people across borders, there are few resources and tools to help one assimilate or take in and understand a new culture and become more comfortable in the new setting. This is because people overlook cultural differences.
Did you know that years of research have pointed out that at least 70% of international ventures fail due to a lack of acknowledging cultural differences? By fail, we mean the project falls through, the relationship is not maintained or is broken, employees are unable to stay abroad for the duration of the project due to an inability to assimilate, the company does not achieve its goals, and many other "failures".
While this statistic primarily looks at organizations looking to expand their companies abroad, I believe these cultural differences are not just limited to national cultures and an organization's ability to adapt to their potential partner country's culture.
There can also be differences in organizational cultures, generational cultures, socioeconomic cultures, etc. There is no doubt that there are differences among departments within an organization (i.e., IT people are going to value different things and behave in specific ways different from sales teams), differences in working with counterpart teams from another headquarters located abroad that have established their own way of doing things, differences in living standards, and so much more.
So, when encountering different cultures, be it organizational, generational, regional, national, etc., the chance of a successful interaction and effective relationship building is about 30% when cultural differences are not taken into consideration. Imagine the loss of opportunity, profit, and growth for such failed ventures…
So how can you beat the statistic? With Cultural intelligence!
Cultural Intelligence is the capability to function and relate effectively in culturally diverse situations.
CQ is your secret weapon for tackling cultural obstacles you may encounter at home, socializing with friends, working with different departments, or on multicultural teams. It applies to all parts of your life.
In today's fast-paced and rapidly evolving world, it is becoming increasingly important to adapt to different cultural environments. As globalization continues to break down borders and connect people from all corners of the world, having a high CQ is necessary to live a successful, more enriching life. I don't know about you, but isn't that one of the top life goals? To have a successful and enriching life? So, how can we achieve high CQ to reach this life goal?
Fortunately, CQ can be learned and developed. But where to begin?!
Let's start with the foundations of CQ- the four key capabilities that make up CQ. Understanding these capabilities is critical to increase your CQ and become more culturally intelligent. We will provide an overview of the four capabilities, explaining their importance and role in helping you excel in multicultural settings. So, let's dive in!
Photo By: Cultural Intelligence Center
1. CQ Drive:
The first capability is CQ Drive, which refers to an individual's level of motivation and interest in adapting to and learning about different cultures. People with high CQ Drive are curious about other cultures and genuinely enjoy interacting with people from diverse backgrounds. They are also willing to put in the effort to learn about different cultures, even if it requires them to step outside of their comfort zone. In other words, increasing your CQ requires you to be open-minded. You cannot achieve high CQ by being steadfast in your ways and expecting others to adapt to your preferences. It's not your way or the highway.
So, having a high CQ Drive is crucial because it enables you to approach cultural differences openly, increasing your ability to learn and absorb new information about a different culture. It allows you to be more receptive to new ideas and ways of doing things. Surrounding yourself with people with different values and behaviors or practices of achieving the same goal increases innovation, which can be incredibly valuable in today's globalized world.
2. CQ Knowledge:
The second capability is CQ Knowledge. This refers to an individual's understanding of different cultures, including their history, values, customs, and communication styles. People with high CQ Knowledge have developed a deep understanding of the numerous cultural nuances that shape people's behavior and attitudes. Because they can recognize cultural differences, they can adapt their behavior accordingly. This is often done by subtly mirroring the other person's behavior.
Having high CQ Knowledge is important because it allows you to avoid misunderstandings and communicate effectively across cultures. Demonstrating your understanding of another person's cultural preferences makes you less likely to be skeptical of their behaviors and trust them more and vice versa. Your ability to adapt your behavior according to their preferences will likely enable them to trust you more. However, adjusting certain behaviors must be done with caution to not offend or appear that you are mocking the other culture. Effective communication relying on your knowledge of the other person's cultural preferences is also another effective way to build trust and rapport with people from different backgrounds. Communication is essential for building a relationship. Awareness of the cultural values of others and yourself is vital for maintaining a harmonious connection. So, CQ Knowledge is critical for establishing and nurturing relationships.
3. CQ Strategy:
The third capability is CQ Strategy, which ensures that our CQ drive and CQ knowledge translate into intercultural effectiveness. It refers to an individual's ability to plan and adapt their behavior in different cultural situations. People who are strong in this capability generally take the time to research and consider the culture of the city they are moving to or the culture of the people they will be interacting with either on a new project, socially, or at home. They may compare their findings with what they know about their own cultural value preferences to find common ground and be prepared with a plan to address discrepancies that might come about due to cultural differences. As a result, when interacting with a culturally diverse group, they can assess a situation and determine the best course of action based on their knowledge of different cultures. They can adjust their behavior and communication style to fit the cultural context they find themselves in.
Having high CQ Strategy is important because it enables you to easily navigate complex cultural situations. It allows you to build strong relationships and collaborate effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds.
4. CQ Action:
The fourth and final capability is CQ Action, which refers to an individual's ability to put their cultural knowledge and strategy into action. People with high CQ Action can effectively apply their knowledge of different cultures to real-world situations. They can communicate effectively, build relationships, and work collaboratively with people from diverse backgrounds. This is also the capability in which you reflect upon what went well and what didn't after an interaction. You can consider your strategy and make adjustments according to your effectiveness.
Another critical part of this capability is asking other people for feedback. You may feel confident and believe the interaction was successful, but the other person or bystander could think there were a few cultural faux pas. A couple of basic questions like "How do you think that went? Or I just want to ensure I am clear on what we decided. Do you mind walking with me back through this discussion? Or how are you feeling after this chat?"
Having high CQ Action is important because it enables you to effectively interact with people from different cultures. It allows you to build trust and credibility with people from diverse backgrounds, which is essential for success in our globalized world.
Why Should You Develop Your CQ?
There is no doubt that cultural intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the world we live in today. Understanding the four CQ capabilities – CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Strategy, and CQ Action – is essential for anyone looking to increase their cultural intelligence and work effectively across different cultures. By developing these capabilities, you can improve your ability to communicate effectively, build relationships, and collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds, leading to tremendous success in both your personal and professional lives.
Discover where you rank in each of the four CQ capabilities by taking a CQ Capability Assessment.
Photo By: Cultural Intelligence Center
If you or your team are interested in beginning your CQ journey to improve your CQ, please reach out with any questions or inquiries regarding CQ capability assessments, coaching and workshops via the contact form.
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